ISGEm Newsletter – Issue 18, Volume 2

ISGEm Newsletter – Issue 18, Volume 2:


«Dear Colleagues,
Since January, 2020, members of the Executive Board (EB) have been working to revitalize ISGEm by having monthly meetings via GoogleMeet to
discuss actions that we are taking in consideration of the short, medium, and long term goals of the Group.
Short Term Goals: The EB is updating the ISGEm website and has restarted the publication of the ISGEm Newsletter in August 2020. We invite you to visit the ISGEm website at:
Medium Term Goals: The EB is discussing the ISGEm constitution and the role of the Journal of Mathematics and Culture and its improvement. As well we are updating the ISGEm contact and member list and developing a facebook page. The ISGEm is also considering virtual conferences as well as in situ conference in 2022 in Papua New Guinea.
Long Term Goal: The EB is discussing the possibility of associating ISGEm with the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction– ICMI as well as its Constitution.
On the other hand, the EB is keeping the original ISGEm goal of publishing two issues of the Newsletter a year. In 2020, Issue 18, Volume 1, was published in August 2020, and Issue 18, Volume 2, was published in December 2020. Starting at 2021, issues will be published in May and November.
If you would like to collaborate with the ISGEm Newsletter, we invite you to send your contribution in English, Portuguese or Spanish by April 10th 2021 for the publication of the next issue in May 2021.
Contributions may be: Articles (2-pages maximum), book reviews, information about conferences, study groups, ongoing research, meetings,
journals, and others (1-page maximum) that are related to investigations in ethnomathematics and the cultural aspects of mathematics. Submissions and correspondences can be sent by email to the e-mail
Best regards,
ISGEm Executive Board»